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Advantages and Limitation of PERT

1. PERT compels managers to plan, which helps them see how the pieces fit together.

2.  Each subordinate manager has to plan the events for which he or she is responsible.

3. It concentrates on critical elements that may need correction.

4.  It makes possible a kind of forward-looking control.

5.  The network system with its subsystems enables managers to aim reports and pressure for action at the right spot and level in the organization structure at the right time.


1. Because of its emphasis on "activity-time" to its operators, PERT is not useful when no reasonable estimates of time schedule can be made.

2.   Another disadvantage has been its emphasis on time only but not on costs. PERT is useful, but not a cure-all. However, it does not do the planning, although it forces planning. It does not make control automatic. although it establishes an environment when sound control principles can be appreciated and used. And it apparently involves rather less expenses that one might expect.

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