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Classical Approach of Management Thought

Management thoughts in the post Industrial Re momentum in the first quarter of the 20th century under efforts of a bunch of scholars and practicing managers the U.S.A. and Fayola in Europe. 

Scientific Management and F. W. Taylor: Scientific management, according to an early definition, refers management which conducts a business or affairs by sat; by facts or truths gained through systematic observation, experiment, or reasoning."2 Promoters of this school of thought attempted to raise labor efficiency primarily by managing the work of me shop floor.

Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915) is generally acknowledged "the father of scientific management." Because of an eye problem, could not attend Harvard University. As a result he started working as common laborer in a small machine shop in Philadelphia, USA. Later he worked as an apprentice, a foreman, a master mechanic and rose to eminence of a chief engineer of a steel company after obtaining a deg in engineering through evening study. This varied experience gave him ample opportunity to have firsthand knowledge and intimate insight in the problems and attitude of workers and to explore great possibilities f improving the qualities of management in the workplace. Wherever worked. He found a very ineffective use of employees, unsystematic, methods of work, utterly poor co-operation between management and labor. He also observed gross inefficiency, waste and widespread output restriction among workers which he termed "systematic soldering.

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