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The Nature of Objectives

Objectives mean end results, and overall objectives require to be supported by sub-projects. Thus. Objectives tend to constitute a hierarch as well as a network. A hierarchy ranges from a broad aim to specific individual objectives. The highest peak of the hierarchy is the socio economic purpose of society, such as requiring the company to contribute to the welfare of the people by providing goods and services at reasonable cost.

Then there is the mission or purpose of business which might be to supply convenient and cheaper transportation for common people. The stated purpose might be to produce market and service automobiles. Ions or purposes, in turn, are translated into general overall objectives strategies. Such as producing low cost, environment-friendly mobiles.

The next level of the hierarchy constitutes more specific objectives. He has those in the vitally important result areas. These are the key result in which performance is essential for the success of the organization. following are some of the examples of objectives for key result areas: (a) to get a 10 percent return on investment by the end of the financial 2009-10 (profitability); (b) to increase production of x products by percent without increasing cost or reducing the current standard of lily by June, 2009 (productivity). The objectives are then divided and delegated into division, department and section objectives down to the lowest level of the organization.

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