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It is very popular in open universities for distance education. Students from different locations can confer with their teacher who is based in a distant place. It is interactive and can be either audio or video or both. In general, most people think of a teleconference as a group of people interacting with each other by means of audio and video media with moving or still pictures.  

Full-motion video is sometimes used to hold meetings among executives stationed at different locations. Not only can they hear each other, but they can also see each others expressions or discuss some visual display. This is, of course, rather expensive but effective.  

Some of the potential advantages of teleconferencing includes savings in travel expenses and travel time. Also, conferences can be held whenever. necessary, since there is no need to make travel plans long in advance.Because meetings can be held more frequently. communication is improved between, for example, headquarters and geographically scattered divisions/branches.

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