Limitations of Staff
The use of staff specialists can ensure many benefits to
organizations but the nature of staff authority and the difficulty of
understanding it lead to certain problems in practice, as under
An escape clause for staff specialists : Staff specialists only
propose a plan; others must make the decision to adopt the plan and put it into
operation. This creates an ideal situation for shifting blame for mistakes. The
staff will claim that it was a good plan and that it failedbecause the operating manager was inefficient and ineffective.
Line authority being undermined : Operating (line) managers
represent the main line of the organization and they also gain a degree of
indispensability. The staff specialists may. however, forget that their value
lives in the extent to which they strengthen line managers and also that they
are to counsel and not to order. They need to remember that if they undermine
line authority, they risk becoming expendable. As a matter of fact, if there is
an expendable person in an organization. it is most likely to be the staff
Impracticality of staff recommendations : Since staff people
do not implement what they recommend, it is possible that they may think in a
vacuum. thereby making their recommendations impractical and which in their
turn. often results in friction, loss of morale and sabotage. 4. Disunity in
command : Unity of command is unavoidable for the management of any
organization to reach its goal. So, multiple authority. created out of the use
of staff specialists, may create disastrous consequences.
4. Complicacy in leadership and control : The
chief executive of a 's large organization may be so busy dealing with the
advice and recommendations of a large number of staff specialists that he finds
little time to devote for operating departments.
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