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Sources of management skills:

Whereas others rely on a combination of the three.    Sources or Management Skills: There are primarily two (I) education, (ii) Training and (iii) experience. Some managers draw largely from one source or the other,

Education as a source of management skills: The major advantage of education as a source of management skills is that a student can follow a well-developed programme of study, thereby becoming familiar with current research and thinking on management. Moreover, most college and university students can fully devote their time, energy and attention to learning. They can acquire management skills in an academic setting. In developed as well as developing countries, the number of enrolment_ in business schools and colleges has tremendously risen in recent years. More and more bright students are seeking degrees in management and administration. B.B.A. and M.B.A. programmes of universities, colleges and institutes have also been experiencing rapid growth, and they often attract students from diverse fields. Moreover, the current trend is clearly towards as a prc-rcquisitc to business success. Non-business graduates, like engineers. Architects, and soon have recently begun to take more and more business courses in an effort to enhance their job opportunities. Even though they have degrees in management, yet most of them have not stopped their academic education in management. Many of them periodically return to the campus to participate in management development programmers. Lower-and mid-level managers also take advantage of programmers offered by open universities under the distance mode.

The most recent innovation in extended management education is the Executive MBA programmed offered by business schools and institutes of business administration. Under this system. Middle and top managers enroll on accelerated programmes of study on weekends. In Bangladesh, as in most developing countries, most managers in the 7$ or even in the 80s were without any degree, let alone a management degree. The most modern developments in information and computer technology, communication etc. have made them redundant as managers. Tubs today's employers are very careful in employing only properly allocated people in managerial positions.

·    Experience as a source of management skills: Management education may be too general to make a manager successful in a specific field and herein comes the importance of experience as a source of Z, management skill. In fact, for a variety of reasons, experience has no alternative for success in many managerial positions. Thus many mangers get to the top because of their rich resources of experience in amber jobs. By experiencing the day-to-day pressures and by meeting satiety of managerial challenges, a manager develops insights that cannot are learn from a book. His hands-on experience is the invaluable treasure that none can acquire merely by reading books.

Young and prospective managers can gather experience through a number of ways. Organizationally, they can be systematically assigned to a variety of different jobs. Over time they are exposed to most, if not all. Of the major aspects of their organizations. In this way managers can perfect their required skills through experience. Both formal and informal gaining programs also help managers sharpen their job experience. Co Training as a source of management skills: It is essential in many organizations that before an employee is fitte4 into a harmonious working relationship with other employees, s/he is gin adequate training. In fact. Training is the act of increasing the skill and efficiency of an employee for doing a job. Training enables an employee to do her/his present job more efficiently and prepare her/him for a higher level job. Thus, training may be considered as a planned program designed to improve performance and bring about positive changes in knowledge. Skills, altitude and behavior of employees.

Training provides skills and abilities that may be called on in the future to satisfy the organization's human resources needs. Training is a job-oriented process and it bridges the gap between job needs and employee skills, knowledge and behavior.

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