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Lessons for Bangladesh

Japanese management is no doubt unique and culture-bound but yet we. in Bangladesh. can have the following lessons from it :

(1) In Japan the superiors are regarded as respectable and this fact has helped Japanese managers to command respect and compliance from the workers in the workplace. In Bangladesh also our managers can try to take advantage of our cultural heritage that the senior people are usually respected by their juniors. For this, they need to earn this respect like Japanese superiors.
(2)  The strong national feeling of serving Japan through hard work has helped Japanese managers to improve industrial productivity and product quality to a level which caught attention of industrialists and scholars throughout the world. The young Bangalore who fought unitedly for their independence in 1971 could have been used, with proper management, to serve their best to improve both quality and quantity of our industrial products after independence by imbuing them with patriotic fervor.
(3) Group decision-making which has been working very successful and excitingly in Japanese industries, could have been used by our managers to improve the quality and acceptability of managerial decisions. In Japan the employees arc also evaluated and appraised jointly with other members of a group. Such group evaluation makes all the members alert and active to conform to group standard and if this could be used in our industries our managers could have successfully checked avoidance of responsibility by the employees. 

(4) Quality control circle (QCC). which provides a unique feature of Japanese management can well be practiced in our industrial enterprises, where the product quality has fast deteriorated since independence.
(5) As a matter of fact. Japan's post-war reconstruction owes a great deal to its system of management. In Bangladesh too, post-independence reconstruction and development could have been easy with a suitbale system of management. Both Japan and Bangladesh lack natural resources and thus Japan's experience in industrial development through proper management. may provide the required incentive and guidance for our managers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i need a short presentation for this topics.......please help me...its very argent..

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