Obtaining the Desired Degree of decentralization
Underlying the discussion to this point has been the assumption
that managers can obtain the degree of decentralization upon which they have decided.
In other words, the emphasis has been upon how much decentralization to have,
rather than on whether the desired degree can be realized and maintained.
Many managers who believe that authority should be pushed down in
an organization as far as it will go arc faced with the practical problem of
bow to push it down there. It is a rare top manager who does not find somewhere
in the organization an authority hoarder, who simply will not delegate.
In obtaining the degree of decentralization desired, an
understanding of decentralization is essential. This concept is based upon the
knowledge that decentralization cannot mean independence, that it requires
establishing policies to guide decision-making along the desired course, that
it needs careful delegation of authority by managers, who know how and who want
to delegate, and that, not being a surrender of responsibility, it must be
accompanied by controls designed to ensure that delegated authority is used
properly. Although the art of authority delegation lies at the base of proper decentralization,
it is apparent that the mere act of delegation is not enough to ensure decentralization.
No manual can indicate how to ensure authority being properly decentralized
or appropriately withheld, but several techniques may be used with some chance
of success. One of the most forceful of these is to ensure that a system of
verifiable objectives is established, that each person is held responsible for
achieving certain goals, and that each is given the necessary authority for
doing so. Another is merely a technique of organization-the provision of
statement of each manager's duties and of the responsibility and the degree of
authority delegated to that position. Besides being clear and, preferably,
written, the statement should be issued in such a way that all employees may
know what it contains.
Another important technique is the example and teaching of a
superior, starting at the top of the organization. The character of top
leadership in an enterprise affects everyone in an organization. There are in
every firm of any size those who will reach out for power, intrude upon
activities assigned to others, and bully the timid. Rules and job Descriptions
are often subject to differences in interpretation, which can be Conveniently stretched
or limited depending upon the policies in an b, Organization. Their
unreliability, despite their obvious usefulness, stands as i warning to
executives that the most dependable foundation for achieving a desired degree
of decentralization is the education of subordinate managers in the rights of
others-teaching them restraint as well as aggressiveness.
One of the
means of forcing delegation of authority, particularly in the middle and lower
levels of organization. is to require managers to have large number of
subordinates and at the same time, hold them to a high standard of performance.
When the span of management is stretched. there is no alternative but to
delegate authority.
Another technique used to force decentralization has been the
policy of promoting managers only when they have subordinates able to take
their places. To accomplish this end. managers are forced to delegate
authority. Moreover, this policy removes a major cause of hoarding authority.
the desire of managers to become indispensable by making sure that their duties
cannot be handled by any of their subordinates. Occasionally the problem
concerns how to retain a predetermined degree of authority. Division and branch
managers-because they are far away from the home office, often wish to build
empires. or want to do a complete job-may assume too much authority and resent the
outside auditor, sabotage centralized controls and oppose central management.
The answer, of course. to this problem is primarily one of leadership, clear policy
determination and authority delegation, and proper training of subordinate
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